Rosh Hashanah + general madness.

pomegranate-1000There is a a kind of busy-ness in my life right now, both personally and professionally, that is boggling my mind and robbing me of all kinds of time. I don’t know where to start or where to begin, and I honestly don’t even have time to try to figure it out. Alas! And alack.

At any rate: Rosh Hashanah starts this evening (personal busy-ness), at which point I will be off the tubes until at least Saturday night (two day holiday followed immediately by Shabbat), but then I’ll be gearing right back up, that very night, into the professional busy-ness, much of it related at this point to a class I’m teaching on mass media and politics at Lewis University (home of the fightin’ Flyers!), not to mention the usual writing and whatnot. So. Who knows when you’ll see me again?

Hopefully soon, but I honestly don’t know. All of September and the front half of October is more and more and more of the same, and I fear that even the limited blogging I’ve done over the summer might be too much for me. I hope not, and I hope I don’t lose you all together. For I love you so!

I’ll do my best. In the meantime, if you’re celebrating: Shana tova u’me’tooka! May this be the year in which we finally know more of peace than of war.


Update: Over on Twitter, Yasmeen Serhan reminded me of this post that I wrote for Rosh Hashanah in 2010, about longing for home and wishing for peace. It’s all still true.

My apologies.

I’ve been very, very neglectful of this space in recent weeks – I’m so sorry! This is mostly because I’ve been so mind-bogglingly busy (both the busy part, and the mind-boggled part), but also I’ve just been kind of… in my shell. A little. Thinking a lot, not about anything particularly specific or worthy of setting down in words, but just mindful in a slightly different, less out-loud way.

I just read Mary Stewart’s The Crystal Cave (for what appears to be the first time, though I would have sworn I read the whole trilogy in high school), and in it there comes a point in Merlin’s life when he says “the god does not speak to those who have no time to listen. The mind must seek out what it needs to feed on, and it came to me at last that what work I had to do, I must do among the quiet of my own hills.” I think I’ve been in the quiet of my own hills for a bit, trying to find a way to let the god(dess) find me. I’m sure I’ll turn up more verbose in the next little while.

In the meantime, please don’t forget to check back now and then – I’d hate to lose you while wandering in my hills…!

xo and Shabbat shalom to one and all,

I haven’t fallen into the void.

No, no, just Israel!

We’re in Israel for the next couple of weeks and though I meant to post something to that effect on Friday, Friday was a bit crazy (but very productive!) and it just didn’t happen. So here we are!

And now I’m trying to embed a funny, geeky, Star Treky picture, but am working on a mobile platform and haven’t figured it out yet, so hey! If you’re bored and like Next Gen, click here!

I may or may not be posting a bit here and there – I will at the very least be keeping up with my Open Zion posts. For whatever that’s worth.

Anyhoo, happy mid-June! Don’t forget me, and please pass the cake.

If you’ve tried to email me.

Quick housekeeping note:

If you’ve tried to email me in the last few weeks via the hotmail account that was listed on my About page, please know that I have only had sporadic access to that account for the past little while, so I finally went ahead and created a new gmail account for the blog. If you need to get in touch with me, please use the new address as it appears on the About page.

Sorry for any inconvenience, etc, and so on!


I’m back! I’m catching up! Have some good music!

A literal hour after my taxi pulled away from O’Hare on Saturday night (following my truly terrific Scottish vacation – about which more later), I was at a bar mitzvah. Can’t slow my roll!

In fact, I’d actually missed the vast majority of the event, as services were in process even as I was boarding my second flight, and subsequent celebratory events unfolded in the course of my hours in the air. But I made it for the tail end — and what a cool tail end it was! Our friends held their son’s party at the uber-cool local venue Fitzgeralds, and hired a local band, Canasta — and Canasta, it transpires, is terrific. They describe themselves as orchestral pop, a genre which I generally do not much enjoy (you can miss me with your Arcade Fire), but man. I love these guys. It has a lot to do with lead singer Matt Priest’s rich voice, but goes far beyond that.

To add to the cool factor, the party favor’s were the band’s t-shirts and both of their CDs, which have been on constant spin in chez Hauser since.

Below is one of my favorite tracks (so far, who knows where I’ll go with this. I also really, really like some tracks for which I can’t find clips, and they also do a wicked cover of No Diggity).

Enjoy! And check them out further by clicking here! And if you’re in Chicago, they’re going to be playing the Taste on July 13 at 5:20 pm, and I do believe that me and mine will be attending.


BBL, I promise.


Gone fishin’! Left you a humorous video!

My mother and I are about to leave on a trip that I’ve been planning (possibly only in my mind, because she doesn’t remember me talking about it) since high school. We’re off to Scotland!

What this means for the blog and my Twitter account is either total silence, or maybe near-silence. I can’t really imagine what I might feel a desperate need to write about while I’m away, but knowing me, there may just be something!

Tomorrow you’ll see the crosspost of my latest Open Zion piece (about the laughable/sob-inducing state of affairs at Israel’s Foreign Ministry. Wheee!), and we should be back to our regularly scheduled programming on May 6.

As I take my leave, please enjoy the following, and have pity on two poor American women who will no doubt find themselves struggling through the morass of another nation’s English.

xo <3,

Hello new readers!

freshly-pressedI’m very pleased to say that I was Freshly Pressed by WordPress again, and it’s lovely to see new faces about the place!

Today’s act of Fresh Pressing involves this post: “Women do ask for more. They just aren’t rewarded for it.” Whereas the last time? It was a post about Libya and Yemen. So, yeah, I write about rather a range of things! Please have a look through the archives and categories; who knows what you might find? I’m surprised myself sometimes (honestly. I’m not proud. I’m just saying).

I went ahead and pulled out a few links that might interest folks. Comments are always open on everything — here’s my About Commenting page if you’re wondering about that.

1) Open letter to the fashion industry (aka: Nude is not a color). (This one’s actually kind of funny!)

2) Rape tolerance and actual facts. (And this one’s not funny – indeed: Trigger warning).

3) Dear GOP: You do know how pregnancy works, right? (I think they weren’t listening the first time). (Funny-ish? In that “people are making me mad” way?)

4) On older women and body image. (Aaaand back to straight-up anger).

Also, I blog regularly on The Daily Beast for Open Zion, a blog that deals with matters Israel/Palestine. So if that’s your thing? You should totally check us out. It’s absolutely not your average discussion of the Middle East!

Dear hardcore In My Head heads….

…all you lovely people who have continued to check in with this blog despite the shameful lack of posting over the past two weeks: I will be back tomorrow. I promise.


Fair warning: Blogger not fully here.

Ok, as I’ve mentioned, the boy’s big event is on the 18th, and 11 people are arriving from across the sea for the big event two days prior, and he and the girl go back to school four days after. I’m reallyreally busy! Picking things up, dropping them off, planning, shopping, and I’m about to start cooking. Et cetera and so on.

However, I’m also pretty much on top of things! Theoretically, I should be able to blog – the thing is that my brain is just not here, at the keyboard and in the world. My brain is with those people and those plans and that happiness. So! If I don’t blog much over the next couple of weeks, please do forgive me. I’ll be back, I promise. Here – I brought you some flowers:

Kisses and hugs,


Housekeeping – aka: WordPress sucks.

Apparently WordPress is introducing the “improvements” it’s been threatening to introduce for some time, and so far what this means for me is:

  1. Writing is literally, physically harder, because the form into which one types one’s posts is no longer in the center of the screen. 
  2. I can no longer preview my posts before hitting “publish” (which, given my propensity for typos, is a real issue) — unless I go to “Dashboard” and write from there (or so WordPress tells me).
  3. I have yet to find a direct link to “Dashboard” from the new “Write a Post” page, so in order to write a new post via Dashboard, I have to hunt for it.
  4. Upon finding Dashboard, I discovered that the old “Write a Post” page still comes up, right in the center of the screen – it just doesn’t work. Or, rather, the words one types are invisible, unless and until one highlights them with the cursor. Which one cannot do while actually typing.
  5. And the Preview doesn’t work anyway.


I actually had a post that I wanted to write, but now I’m going to sit back and hope that WordPress works out its bugs over the next day or so. If it doesn’t, and if I can’t find a way to write posts that isn’t literally, physically more difficult, I don’t know what I’ll do. I’d love to say that I’ll find some other blogging platform, but the idea of researching all that, and possibly paying money for it (so that I can continue to blog for free) makes my head ache. So, you know: GAH.

Also, too, PS:

Dear People Who Improve Things,

If your improvements are not intuitive to the people who use your product and have been using your product for years, then your improvements suck. Stop making things look pretty for you and your friends. Start making them serviceable. Gorramn morons. (Bitly and Google? I’m looking at you, too).

No love from me,