Busy busy busy.

This is actually pretty much what I look like.

Oookay. I have a lot to catch up on. Not least that I appeared on Russian teevee again today…! But first, all the other catching up:

  1. My first real post at Feministe — which was pretty well received! — was a slightly re-worked version of my post about the use of the word “nude” in the fashion, so I won’t crosspost the whole thing. But it starts like this:

    Dear Fashion Industry,

    I’ve been meaning to write ever since that big wedding that took place in London this past spring, and then as various bits and bobs of fashion flotsam and jetsam have wandered across my heat-blurred summer vision, but, well, events overcame me. Life, and your whatnot. But finally, here we are, tete-a-tete. Did you miss me, Fashion Industry? I hope so!

  2. My second real post — which is getting chewed up and spat out as we speak! — was a slightly re-worked version of my post on Beyonce. Again, no real point to crossposting the whole thing, but it starts like this:

    Whenever I slip into Starbucks for a little iced Joe these days, there she is: Beyonce.

    For the moment, I won’t get into the outfit she sports on the cover of her latest work, nor the disturbing fact that it seems every album Beyonce puts out is adorned with an ever-lighter version of her genuinely lovely self.

    No, I want to talk about her music, but there’s still one more caveat: As a 46 year old suburban mother who likes loud rock n’ roll, I am not nor have I ever been Beyonce’s target audience.

  3. I’ve posted my regular book recommendation at Americans for Peace Now (though at this point, it might be more honest to call it “semi-regular” — it’s supposed to go up on Fridays, and for two weeks running, it’s gone up the following Tuesday. Sigh). Here’s the top of that; for the rest, please click here; for an archive of all earlier recommendations, click here (a perma-link to the archive can be found under Pages, on your right).

    When the first intifada hit Israel with the shock of a tidal wave, I was living in Tel Aviv.

    Many of my male friends – including the young man with whom I was in love and living at the time – found themselves called to endless rounds of reserve duty to face off against stone-throwing youth.

    It was during that time, as I followed the news with a consuming obsession and watched my previously unflappable boyfriend writhe in his sleep from nightmares, that I went from a vague “we should all find a way to get along, gosh it’s so sad that the Arabs don’t want to” kind of politics, to understanding that Israel had two ways to resolve the problem of the occupied territories: Massive ethnic cleansing, or two-states-for-two-peoples.

    As I couldn’t get behind the first option, and had begun to understand that the stone throwers had a point in demanding their rights, I became an active supporter of the two-state solution.

    And yet I can say with all honesty that it wasn’t until I read Mary Elizabeth King’s 2007 A Quiet Revolution: The First Palestinian Intifada and Nonviolent Resistance that I understood that those stone throwers could have responded with arms and ammunition, but that their grassroots leaders chose not to. That, indeed, the entire intifada was rooted in notions of nonviolence.

  4. I’ve added a couple things to the blog rolls, and as always, I most heartily urge you to… check them! Both!

    First, under Smart People (because I had no idea where else to put it) you will find the truly awesome and very informative (if occasionally somewhat smoothing-off-a-few-too-many-rough-edges-for-sake-of-brevity) What the Fuck Has Obama Done So Far?

    And second, under The Funny Papers, you will find Gabby’s Playhouse, a webcomic which I first came to know through this comic, which had me (I think not suprisingly!) assuming that said “Gabby” was of the lady persuasion. Turns out I should have been tipped off by that comic’s title: “In which we betray our gender.” Gabby’s a man. A very, very talented man. Don’t believe me? Click here!

I’ll be back later with the TV stuff, pinky swear!

My on-going domination of all the internets.

Ok, so a funny thing happened on my way to obscurity.

This blog was found by the good folks at Feministe, and two weeks and one day after I wrote that woe-is-me-I’m-not-sure-if-I-can-stand-writing-anymore post, they emailed to ask if I would like to guest blog this summer…!

And so, not being a complete idiot, I said yes. And with great pleasure!

The gig begins today. I’ll be crossposting everything I write for Feministe here and at Angry Black Lady Chronicles, as per yooz, but I encourage you to go over there as well. The writers at Feministe are passionate, come from wildly varied backgrounds, and always leave their readers with new ideas to chew over. You’ll find a link over to your right, on the Smart People blog roll, or you can click right here. Either way, I urge you to check it!

My first post is an introductory thing, much of which is information that any regular reader of In My Head already knows, but if you can stand being introduced to me again, here ye be:

Lovely to meet you.

Hi Feministe!

:: waves ::

So, I’m one of the summer guests! And I’m very honored, not to say a little surprised to be here. My own blog is a teeny-tiny affair, and because I have roughly as little tech knowledge as one could reasonably have and still run a blog, I never have any real sense of how broadly anything gets read or by whom – but the internets, man, you never know where you’ll wind up! So here I am, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity.

But who the hell (you ask yourselves, and quite reasonably too) are you?

I’m a professional freelance writer. I wrote for many years in big newspapers and smaller magazines, doing news, op/eds, features, and book reviews and/or serving as a foreign correspondents’ assistant at a few really-big newspapers (Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post).

All of which means that since the bottom fell out on print media in 2008, followed closely by the bottom falling out on the world of finances, my byline has barely appeared anywhere. So it goes. I still do book reviews! And write a lot for leftie/progessive PR firms and leftie/progessive nonprofits.

As I mentioned, I also blog, posting at my own place (Emily L. Hauser In My Head) and crossposting at Angry Black Lady Chronicles. I started my internet life as an active commenter at Jezebel (where I was known as ellaesther), but went out in a blaze of Midwestern polite disagreement over their new commenting policies like, two years ago or something, so it’s entirely possible that the policies have changed again and are currently really quite human and lovely, but I wouldn’t know.

Other than that: I’m a straight white lady married to a straight white dude, living in the suburbs of Chicago with our two white kids (sexuality yet to be determined, as far as I know). I drive a station wagon, and volunteer at my kids’ schools.

I’m a feminist who actually managed to march (as a high school freshman) for the ERA before it was killed. I spent a good few years as a rape crisis counselor. And I’ve written in several national newspapers about the fact that I’ve had an abortion. I’m to the left of Obama and to the right of Kucinich. I volunteered in the 2008 Obama campaign & intend to do so again in 2012.

I’m also Jewish, American-Israeli, pro-Palestinian, pro-two-states and a Zionist (meaning I’m often very lonely in my little Venn diagram), and I often write about Israel/Palestine and the conflict — but then again, I also often don’t. Recently, for instance, I’ve written about Marcus Bachmann, a fucking awesome Planet of the Apes-techno mashup, and weird rules that exist in my house (“no biting the table,” for one).

So. Here I am! :: jazz hands ::

My approach to comments is as follows: I’ll wade in there with y’all, but I ask that people remember the humanity and the dignity of everyone. Which is to say, if you disagree with me (and some of you are likely to disagree with me, right? It’s the internet!) or with anyone else in a thread, please express that disagreement in a way that sheds more light than heat.

But enough of my yakkin’! Let’s rock n’ roll!

Or: I’ll be back to rock n’ roll a little later with a real post. But I will stop yakkin’ now.