The past is prologue.

Wow. Wow! Israel loses its shit over the near-arrival of some activists on boats — and my blog views triple. John Cole at Balloon Juice front-pages me — and that tripled number, in turn, more than doubles. Wowie zowie!

Sooooooo, since you’re here, and handy-like….

I thought I’d offer up a few of my favorite old posts, to give new readers a sense of what  I write about in addition to Israel/Palestine. I hope you like what you see, and will come back! (Not to mention talking me up to friends, loved ones, neighbors, enemies — anyone with eyes and an Internet connection, really).

To wit:

1) Things I love about America.

… #5. Poop scooping – I challenge you to find another country on earth in which bending down to pick up dog feces is such a regular, unquestioned feature of everyday civility. One! Name one!

2) Things that bug the crap out of me about America.

…#2. Reality TV – WTF? I mean, really: WTF? I know that we do not bear sole responsibility for this blight on civilization, but surely we consistently raise the blight to ever greater heights of blightiness.  “Reality TV” is to reality what Tang is to orange juice, and humiliation-as-entertainment is bad for everybody. Bread and circuses, people — this is the sort of shit that brought down the Roman Empire.

3) Do tell.

…I also remember when DADT came about — it was one of those moments at which my faith in President Clinton died a little more. It was a terrible decision, premised on the notion that active, daily lying is less damaging to unit cohesion than who some soldiers might love….

4) Heineken and the self.

This morning I saw an ad for Heineken Beer that told me in big, bold, confident letters: “You are who you are when no one is looking.”

And my mind went immediately — whoosh! — to nose-picking.

5) Good stuff: Steve Burns.

…quite aside from the fact that I always found him quite adorable in [Blues Clues], Mr. Burns also released a truly delightful popy-rocky-Flaming Lipsy-sorta album soon after leaving television, and I frankly love it.

6) The middle years.

In case you’re wondering, here’s a quick checklist to help you determine whether or not you have entered the middle years of your life.

7) On godless heathens.

…Our beloved American respect for all creeds is revealed as just that: for the creed-ed only. The creed-less need not apply. Even the separation of church and state becomes suspect, as it presupposes, by definition, a church.

8 ) Roman Polanski and us.

All of the people who have tried to argue that Roman Polanski no longer deserves what he deserves are ignoring not only the truly heinous nature of his crime, but also the demands of a law-based society.

9) Community.

Once upon a time, I became an ardent member of an online community…. I speak, of course, of Jezebel.

10) Fragile.

…My absolute inability to keep them from harm takes my breath away. Limbs will break, hearts will break. Please God, not spirits. The maxim that joy is not complete without grief to shape it interests me not in the least – let their joy be shapeless, I think, but let it be joy.

11) Next time.

In my next life, I will be a singer/songwriter/pianist/guitarist who walks across the stage bare-footed, a small, warm smile of confidence and joy gracing my face as my voice fills the hall with aching sweetness, tangling close with others in harmony, my instrumental talent as easily worn as it is prodigious.

I will be Marketa Irglova.

12) Babies.

I find myself rifling through what amount to old muscle memories — my skin suddenly remembers theirs, or my arms feel their weight again — and I ache. I want to touch them. I don’t want new babies, strange babies, babies I have never known. I want my own.

Welcome newcomers!

Holy crow – hits on this blog have tripled since Sunday! I’m very pleased to have all the new folks coming by, and I hope y’all stay and comment and pass word along to all your friends and loved ones about the delight that you’ve found here.

But fair warning: In spite of appearances, I don’t always write about Israel/Palestine. I also write about domestic politics and loud music and Martin Luther King, Jr. and my kids and whatever else may be in my head at any given time (indeed: It’s all there in the name). One day I wrote about Heineken’s advertising copy.

So, yeah. Come for the international misery, stay for the pithy pop culture commentary! I’d love to have you.

Good stuff: Jezebel/Basement blogroll.

If the world were a good and fair place, and I were a good and fair blogger, I would have started my dedicated blog rolls with the new one down on the right, the one for my friends from Jezebel and the message board lovingly known as the Basement. For it was they who showed me that the blogosphere could be a good and kind place.

As it happens, however, someone over at Ta-Nehisi Coates’s place raised the issue of a community blog roll first, and that was the first one I set up — and, you know, they’re good folks too, so I hope no one minds too much!

A few housecleaning matters:

  1. I anticipate adding more to the Jez/Basement list — these are just the handful that I came up with here and now. If you are a friend from Jezebel or the Basement and would like to be listed, please let me know!
  2. I have a few names that I need to add to the Ta-Nehisi list, and will do so tonight or tomorrow, but I wanted to finally get around to this one.
  3. I’ve realized that blogging is a funny thing, and sometimes one starts to blog, and then finds one doesn’t have time. Or even very much want to! So, in consequence of that realization, I’ve decided that if one of the bloggers on my rolls doesn’t post for a month – six weeks, I’ll quietly slip them off the roll. One has no obligation to blog! But neither does one want to maintain a list of essentially dead links.

Und zo! I will finish the TNC list next, and put up a Balloon Juice related-one, and in between times, if you’d like to be on the appropriate blogroll and aren’t, just give a shout!


Update: There apparently needs to be a fourth dedicated blogroll! Seussmd (see comments) happens to be one of my oldest friends (my first boyfriend, if we’re going to lay bare all the cards), and yet he fits not into a single one of the other blogrolls planned or already in existence.

So: I’ll finish TNC, I’ll set up the Balloon Juice list, and then I’ll create something along the lines of “The Lovely Folks Who Happen to Be My Friends IRL.” Done!

Or, you know. It will be. On the soon-ish.

No post for you!

As soon as the sun sets (very, very shortly!), it’ll be yet another Jewish holiday, and much as this blog don’t roll on Shabbos, it don’t roll on chag (holidays) either. Have a lovely Monday, and I’ll see you in your teeming millions on Tuesday! (And please feel free in the meantime to use the day to flog my blog and/or Twitter feed to all your friends and neighbors. Can’t hurt!)

Good stuff: The folks at TNC.

Ok, I give up. My brain is still too much in this mode to do what I meant to do today, which was continue the Strength to Love blogging. (It’ll happen on Sunday or Tuesday – I promise, dmf!).

So instead what I’ve done (with the blessed help of Andy) is create a blogroll of Ta-Nehisi Coates’s regular commenters who also maintain blogs. Each listing has a brief description in the rollover text. Please click through and share the luv!

(And to the folks who occasionally come by from the Basement and Balloon Juice I say: Never fear! You’re next).

Have a delightful weekend, and if you’re of the Easter-celebrating type, may your holiday be beautiful, full of hope and love and joy!

(And if you’re from TNC’s place and I’ve failed to list you, please let me know).

PS: A promise for tomorrow.

I’m not sure if this promise is for me or my readers, but here’s a short list of topics I will not be covering tomorrow:

  1. Israel/Palestine
  2. Israeli-US relations
  3. Islam
  4. the Middle East
  5. Health care reform
  6. American politics
  7. death and/or bereavement

I, at the very least, am in need of a break! (Hopefully I won’t be writing about my Passover shopping, either.)

Good Stuff: Liam Finn.

I’m on the road again today, but will try to post something later, probably much later in the evening. There were a couple of questions posed in recent comments — I promise to do a Q/A post soon covering those!

In the meantime, please enjoy this bit of gentle loveliness: One of my favorite Liam Finn songs, “Gather to the Chapel.” (Also, and not for nothing, but it appears that the entire clip is a fairly astonishing one-shot. Young Mr. Finn must have been exhausted by the end! [I do think that the guitar case at the end is empty. It looks too light, doesn’t it? Bouncing off his knee and all?]).

Clearing the blockage.

Writer’s block – ten tons of fun, or twelve?

I don’t know what to write about, and so I find myself doing all manner of things that surround but don’t really approach the actual work. Like: setting up a Twitter account. Like: reading Stephen King’s excellent On Writing (man, I wish I enjoyed the suspense and horror genres. He is such a good writer. Holy crow). (But I digress! Even within a discussion of digressions, I digress). Like: commenting at length at Balloon Juice and/or Ta-Nehisi Coates. Like: thinking (and thinking) about why it is that I am blocked. About if I even want to de-block.

None of these things are necessarily bad, unto themselves, and some even involve writing. But none of it is my actual work.

When I was complaining about my fate over at TNC last week, many lovely people chimed in with words of good cheer and/or helpful advice (they sent me to read On Writing, for instance). My buddy (and occasional In My Head commenter!) CitizenE had this to say:

Charles Schultz said famously that writer’s block was an amateur’s problem. You’re no amateur. Even if it’s only an unending stream of cussing and grocery listing what you did, thought, and felt today, it should be writer’s cramp you’re aiming at.

And that both humbled and inspired me. I mean, a) thank you CitE for your confidence. I am not an amateur, and I need to get over my inferiority complex. Life and luck have brought me to this particular frustrating crossroads, but that doesn’t take away from what I am and what I’ve done.

But more to the point: I’m not an amateur — if this means something to me, if I actually am a writer, then I need to just pull on my big girl pants and get on with it. Is there a paying audience right now? No. And there may never be again. But this is clearly my thing, and even if I wind up being an unpaid professional, I think I would like to be a professional about it.

And finally, the idea of an unending stream of cussing and grocery listing actually kind of appeals to me. Well, maybe less the “unending stream of cussing” (hell, I do enough of that as is!) and more the idea of grocery listing, but still. Something to shake loose the crumbs of thought, shake out the nits of self-pity, shake free the fears of incompetency. Just: write.

So, I may do that a bit in the next few days. Stephen King writes a lot about having a first draft and a second, the first being where you write with the door closed, just getting down whatever passes through your head about your story, and the second being the one you write with the door open, writing with the outside world in clear view. I don’t know how he would feel about public grocery listing.

But then, I don’t intend to write fiction, and I don’t intend to start treating this blog as an open journal, so perhaps finding some place in the middle — a first and a half draft — will be all right. Between that and my intended return to the Strength to Love posts, I imagine I’ll muddle through.

And hey presto! I just wrote about 550 words about not knowing what to write about. Not so much a writer’s block, as a writer’s cramp. Onward.


And because I am a good and kind blogger, I give you this: Peter Bjorn and John, off of Writer’s Block:

Resistance is futile.

See that little blue button over on the right? I have been assimilated into the Twitter nation.

Never say never, my friends! Never, ever say never.

I will be tweeting links to my own posts, and occasional links to other articles or posts that I find interesting or useful. There will be no overshare, and they may not even be more than one or two tweets in any given day, but I have come to understand that Twitter is, as I always say about technology, just a tool — as good or bad as the people using it.

And it looks like a pretty good tool, if used correctly, and use it correctly I shall! Or at least I shall endeavor to do so.

Follow me, won’t you?

Q/A – lightning round!

Ah questions. I love questions! My Queenie used to say that there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. And she was a teacher, so she would know.

In the hope that my answers will be good ones:

  1. Do you respond to comments in your own comment section? No, I don’t, for reasons of my own sanity. My big sister speaks the truth! See: About Commenting, rule # 6.
  2. But hey, in answering questions, you’re kind of responding! (Ok, technically that’s not a question, but as I’m posing it to myself, we’ll just let that slide, won’t we?) While I may be on the look-out for my own sanity, I want also to be a friendly and inviting host! So, when direct questions appear in the comments, I gather them into a little Q/A post. There haven’t been a lot of these, but then, there haven’t been a lot of questions! (Yet…?). See: About Commenting, caveat  # 6.1.
  3. Were you planning on answering the question to the seagull attack post in such a Q/A post, but your big sister stole your thunder? Why yes, yes I was!
  4. And yet, does your big sister rock — nay, does she rock HARD? Why yes, yes she does! Thank you for asking! She is a lovely big sister by all accounts. Just, you know, occasionally thunder-stealing. Which, given that I ruined that sleep-over that she and our brother had planned for the night that I happened to be born, she might also say of me.
  5. Should I make a point of reading your commenters? Yes indeedy! They are a smart and articulate lot and I would love it if a wee little commenting community should someday develop between y’all.
  6. Should I be forwarding a link to your blog to everyone I know, friend and/or foe? Yes you should! I think our democracy might, in fact, depend on it.
  7. Will you be using this poor excuse for a post to get you off the posting hook today, you poor writer’s block-addled fool? Mayyybe….