Too awesome to not post: “Killing in the Name” performed by George Mason marching band.

I’m sorry. Did I say “performed”?

I meant slayed.

(And check out the girl in red. She is doing pretty much exactly and precisely what I do in my wee little home office when listening to Rage. Only I do it without a piccolo. Or youth).


h/t BoingBoing


  1. definitely doc marten-worthy.

  2. Danielle

     /  January 7, 2012


  3. Terrific! This is my Alma Mater (Class Of 2002). I’ll add that we are the George Mason “Patriots” I am so damn proud that they did a version of Killing in The Name. TYVM for catching this Emily!

  4. wow. if that would’ve been my band, i never woulda quit.


  6. taylor16

     /  January 10, 2012

    Wow – that was awesome. Thanks for posting!

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