On my way to visit Mr. Grant.

(Looking for the Open Thread? Go here).

We’re off to Galena, Illinois! Or, we will be in the morning. And we’ll be gone until Friday night, when it will be Shabbat, and we all know that the blog and me don’t roll on Shabbos. So.

I’m going to try to set up a few posts on which I can just hit “Publish” from our hotel room, and I will check in a few times daily, just to make sure that there isn’t some crazy queue in moderation, or that the Open Thread hasn’t blown up and we need a new one (side note: I am genuinely fascinated by the dynamics of the Open Thread. Most days we get about 20-25 comments over the course of 24 hours, one day we got 48 comments in about six hours, today I think we’re looking at, what, 8 comments? I don’t pretend to understand how it works. I’m very, very glad we decided to do this, but I don’t pretend to understand how it works).

But if I fail in these pursuits, please be patient! For I am meant to be off having fun with the husband, the boy and the girl, and they are as delightful a group as I have ever met. I may be distracted by their charms! But I will be back — pinky swear!

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1 Comment

  1. dmf

     /  August 18, 2010

    enjoy and by all means give yourself over to the charms of your family