Support religious freedom.

I have actual-factual paid-for work to do today (no, I know! My own mind reels), and there are multiple children in my home right now (even more than the usual number) so I am behind! I hope to post something this evening.

However! In the meantime, if you’re looking for the Open Thread, go here.

And, if you’d like to express your opposition to the efforts to keep an Islamic Center from being built within shouting distance of Ground Zero, J Street has an excellent petition to sign (whether you’re Jewish or not) — short and to the point (this is literally the entirety of the text):

My values compel me to support the Park51 plans to build a center for moderate Islam in Lower Manhattan.

I join Mayor Michael Bloomberg, local officials and thousands of others in standing up for religious freedom in America and the City of New York.

Click here to sign.

Similarly, you can go here to let the good people of the ADL know what you think of their new brand of religious bigotry (h/t Velveteen Rabbi via Twitter @velveteenrabbi).

I wrote about this on Friday, and the more I think about it, the even-more I want POTUS to throw in his two cents. Ah well. POTUS writes me a lot of emails, but he doesn’t often take my calls….

I hope to be back later!


  1. Putting this on Stumbleupon. The bigotry involved in the opposition to this center is just unbelievable – I’m beginning to wonder how isolated people are. It’s like they know no other Americans that are Muslim? Not one?

  2. dmf

     /  August 3, 2010
    hope folks in nyc will go welcome these folks when they open shop