I would be remiss…

(Looking for the Open Thread? Click here.)

…if I didn’t advertise a little.

In the wake of the decision to create a wee alternative to Ta-Nehisi Coates‘s temporarily closed Open Thread, this blog has seen a rather sizeable jump in readership.

I am absolutely cool with the fact that most of those numbers probably reflect interest in the Open Thread only — that’s precisely why I created it — but: I have in fact written a thing or two over the past year that may be of interest to the new sets of eyeballs!

So. As I say: I would be remiss if I didn’t advertise a little.

The last time I had a sudden jump in readership (during the Gaza flotilla incident), I pulled together a couple of greatest hits posts to let those new readers know that, contrary to appearances, I’m not all-Israel/Palestine-all-the-time. You can see them here: The past is prologue and The past is prologue II. If you like the writing you’ve seen here so far, if you like my comments elsewhere on the webz — you may like my greatest hits, as well!

Pardon the intrusion. We now bring you back to your regularly scheduled Internet.