Dear new readers.

The numbers, they say, don’t lie — and the numbers indicate that I have some new readers! A) Yay! So lovely to have you. B) Please have a look around the place, and check out the About Commenting page. I’d love to have you join the conversation. C) A lot of you are likely here because of that thing that I wrote last week about Israel and American Jews and you’re all, like, dude. She’s writing about birthdays! And Green Day? WTF!

So I just want to say: Don’t go away! I promise that depressing and politically minded posts will come back. Sometimes I do that, sometimes I do this. But I try to keep it honest and interesting, no matter what the “it” of the day may be, and I’m always glad to have new folks about the place.

(And don’t forget to read today’s earlier post! It’s neither depressing nor politically minded, but, well, like I said: That will come back. Pinky swear!)


  1. How can you tell that you have new readers?
    All I get on my blog stats is the total number of views, sans my own.
    *sad and confused puppy dog look*

  2. Congrats on the new readers! I hope that number just keeps growing and growing and growing… and I do hope a few of them check out your World Cup post and say something –

    Good stuff: Sports page.

    I personally love it when readers explore the archives, myself.

  3. dmf

     /  July 20, 2010

    welcome to the new readers, the blooming and buzzing life/interests of our good hostess informs and sustains the moral calling of her well researched love of neighbors near and far, and even on days when she is reveling in simple pleasures like shoe shopping that are denied to so many in the world there are always links here to moving images like: