Holiday Marketplace

On a much less cranky note: I wish I’d thought of this last week, but I didn’t, so what the hey, I’ll do it now.

Hey there! Are you a maker, creative type, knitter, photographer, painter, have an etsy shop, whatever? Have something you’d like to sell during this crazy holiday season? Leave information in the comments, and maybe your stuff will find itself in the hands of those you know and love online!

UPDATE: If you leave a link to your work, please also leave a line or two describing it! “I knit decorative mushrooms and gnomes from the finest unicorn hair,” for instance. (And if you do that, I will most certainly buy some myself).

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  1. Dude you’re the greatest! I love this idea, will cross-post a list on mine if that turns out to be ok with everybody.


  2. Well you know me, shamelessly promoting my book (unemployment benefits are ending REAL EFFING SOON :{ …)

    Regular book at

    eBook at

    It’s also available through Barnes&Noble, Borders, Books-A-Million, and other book retailers.

    • You, also, give us a line or two about the book!

      • The book is a collection of short stories I wrote between my college years (1990) to 2003. The genres bounce from character pieces, to science fiction, action thriller, coming of age, and pure dialogues. Levied throughout are tidbits of witticisms, some of the stories full-bore attempts at humor.
        Includes Author’s Notes to justify how bad the grammar gets in some of the tales. 😉

  3. Emily, THANKS! I missed the last BJ pimp post so really appreciate this.
    I do mixed media and pique assiette (vintage pottery, china) mosaics. Most folks are sorta whacky for my vintage jewelry frames. I’ve sold many to Juicers over the last two years. As a matter of fact, an hour ago I shipped a very special memorial jewelry frame to a Juicer, a tribute to his sister’s beloved cat. Half my work is commissioned, which I adore. My etsy store:

    My blog, which has a lot of great photos and a new post with another Christmas commission I just completed for a woman who lives with a black Pug and a brown Dachshund:

    I am doing a 15% coupon in my etsy store:

    Thanks again!

  4. Russell King

     /  December 14, 2010

    A Hint of Frost — Essays on the Earth

    Back in the 80s and 90s, I wrote a newspaper column for several small newspapers around Wisconsin. It started out being your typical camping/hiking/fishing “outdoor” column, but quickly evolved into a weekly musing on the Earth, the kids and whatever else I was pontificating on in those days. It sells for $16 on Amazon. I’ll send you a copy for just $7.50. Heck, I’ll even autograph it (thereby driving its value down to $3.50!) . Drop me note and I’ll tell you where to send the check: russell_k_king (at)

    ISBN: 1886028265. Paperback 200 pages

  5. Russell King

     /  December 14, 2010

    I thought unicorn hair for smoking….

  6. I edit (and lay out, and sometimes write for, but not this issue) a music-and-more magazine called BURNING AMBULANCE, and our third issue came out today. It’s print-on-demand, so you have to go to this link to get it:

    The new one is right at the top, and features articles on saxophonists Anthony Braxton and Jon Irabagon, trumpeter David Weiss, an electronic music group called the Moritz von Oswald Trio, an essay on 1960s Hollywood and studios’ attempts to court the “youth audience,” an excerpt from a book on progressive heavy metal, and a piece on composing for orchestra by an actual composer.

    The magazine is $10 for a print copy (paperback, no ads, 104 pages) or $5 for a download.

  7. baiskeli

     /  December 15, 2010

    Thanks for this opportunity

    I do photography on the side and I do sell my photos online.

  8. Thank you for the idea, Emily.

    Slightly different: if you’re a knitter with yarn left over from old projects or a person with yarn in his/her house for no reason you can recall (everyone has yarn; almost no one knows why), please contact me and send it to me. I knit cat blankets for animal shelters. It takes about two hefty skeins to make a blanket, so don’t throw away your old yarn. Thanks!

  9. zic

     /  December 15, 2010

    I design knit stuff; recently begun selling patterns on Ravelry. (Not the knitting itself, just the instructions.)

    If you have a knitter you love, take a look.

    And thank you.

  10. Persia

     /  December 15, 2010

    Tata, does the yarn have to be wool/acrylic/anything special? And I can vouch for the quality of Laura W’s work.

    My friend Kristen just opened up her fiber shop, with mohair blend yarns and roving. I’ve met her goats and they are delightful, and the yarn is too!

  11. Kiran

     /  December 15, 2010

    I only have one bag currently listed, but I make tote bags in the Harry Potter house colours. This came about from the copious amount of fabric I had left after making 9 robes for the Goblet of Fire premiere night!

    You can see the sample on my etsy page. I will be listing more of the completed ones this evening, if I can. They come in two sizes, and several different colour & fabric combinations.

  12. Scylfing

     /  December 15, 2010

    This is a very nice idea. I don’t have anything of my own to share, but I’d like to put in a plug for my mother’s Etsy, Montana KnitWit where she sells her handkitted items, especially legwarmers, hoods/cowls/hats, ponchos and cellphone bags.

  13. Peter Cashwell

     /  December 15, 2010

    Thanks for the billboard, Emily.

    Hello, Horde. A couple of years I wrote a book about birding. (It’s also about non-lending libraries, venomous insects, sports marketing, and animated Christmas specials.) Barnes & Noble made it a Discover! pick. The Independent Booksellers Association made it a BookSense 76 pick. And for some reason, Martha Stewart liked it and let me plug it on her TV show.

    The Verb ‘To Bird’

    Makes a great Christmas gift! Never needs winding! Removes embarrassing stains from contour sheets!

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