The assault on Lara Logan & the reality of rape.

I’ve never been raped.

Why? Because I’m lucky.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

I’ve been groped on more than one occasion. I’ve been followed by men in a car late at night. I’ve been harassed on the street, and more than once not been certain it was going to end at “harassment.” A friend and I once found ourselves in a shared taxi with two men who tried to convince the driver (in a language they shared and we barely understood) to take us somewhere they could attack us (the driver physically pulled them from his car). I once discovered that my gynecologist was no longer in business – because he had raped several patients.

I am a woman, and I live in the world. This is what living in the world looks like, if you happen to be a woman. If none of that becomes rape? You’re lucky. Nothing more. Nothing less.

And while I might not have been raped, I know many women who were. Some more than once. Some when they were children. Some by people they believed loved them. Rarely, but occasionally, by strangers. And this is just the people I know.

I also spent five years as a rape counselor at the Tel Aviv Rape Crisis Center, where I learned just how tenuous my status as someone who had never been assaulted is. One of the most famous cases we handled involved a young woman and her date — a well-known musician. They got to his place, and after saying yes, she said No. She said no so vehemently, with such certainty, that he had to tie her up to complete his rape. And yet some people still wanted to blame her.

The other day, as all of Egypt poured into the streets to celebrate their victory over tyranny, CBS correspondent Lara Logan was separated from her camera crew, surrounded by a large group of men, and then brutally and repeatedly assaulted. She was saved by Egyptian women and Egyptian soldiers, and CBS reports that she is still in an American hospital.

When Twitter got wind of this, folks went nuts. Some want to blame Middle Eastern culture, or Egyptians generally. Some say the rapists were hired goons, unrepresentative of anything remotely related to those who participated in the Egyptian uprising. Some have actually managed to blame Logan, and one man who should have known better made light of her fate and suggested it would have been “funny” if Anderson Cooper had been raped, too (he’s since apologized, so I won’t link).

But the simple truth is that the only culture that is responsible for this is human culture.

In far too many minds, all over the world, a female human is little more than an outlet or repository for male wishes or power. Rape is regularly and consistently used as a weapon of war. Rape is regularly and consistently used as a method of control.

But rape is also just regular and consistent. Men rape for no reason other than that they think they can get away with it — all the time, every day. Doctors rape, clergymen rape, husbands rape, boyfriends rape, employers rape, “dates” rape. Sometimes they employ tricks and ploys and intoxicants in order to convince themselves that what they’re doing is not (as Whoopi Goldberg so memorably put it) “RAPE rape” — but if she said no, or couldn’t say no, or was too afraid to say no? It’s RAPE rape. It’s all rape.

And lots of times, rapists don’t even bother to convince themselves. They wanted a vagina, and there was one in the room. They wanted to bond with their boys, and a vagina walked by. They wanted to show that bitch, or prove their worth, or relieve themselves, or take what any man in his right mind would take. RAPE rape.

Like most crimes, rape is a crime of opportunity. You don’t drive across state lines to pick-pocket — you go down to the corner. You don’t get on a bus to find women to attack — you attack the ones who are there and handy. Most of the time, those who commit sexual assaults do so within their own communities. Often within their own families.

Men and boys are also raped — every day — and that is at least one reason why that one tweet was so beyond-the-Pale wrong. No rape is ever funny, and the particular suffering of male victims is one with which we as a society have yet to grapple.

But men and boys, as a class, do not grow up and live with this fear, this threat, across the world and across cultures. This is women’s lot, and it falls on all of us.

I feel such pain and sorrow for Ms. Logan — not only did she survive this horrific attack, but her story is now public property, to be analyzed and picked over by all and sundry, people who have never met her and never will.

But her story is not as rare, or as easily dismissed as random violence, as so many would like it to be. Would wish it to be. And until we — humanity — admit that, millions upon millions of women and girls will be raped and assaulted year in, year out.

I’ve been lucky so far. I pray to God my daughter will be, too.

Crossposted at Angry Black Lady Chronicles.


UPDATE: Melissa Bell, a blogger at the Washington Post, wrote a very good, brief response to the reactions to the attack on Ms. Logan, including some important statistics. Please click through and read the whole thing.

A 2008 study by the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights found that 83 percent of Egyptian women and 98 percent of foreign women experience public sexual harassment, from groping to assault.

Here’s why this story is not just about Egypt, either:

In 2000, in New York’s Central Park, an assault similar to Logan’s occurred during a parade. Seven women were attacked. In the United States. Attacks occur everywhere, every day. Again and again.

The assault did not happen because Logan was a reporter in a dangerous country. It did not happen because that country happens to be Muslim. It happened because sexual assault occurs every single day to women everywhere in the world.


  1. ee, thank you for writing this so clearly and unequivocally. This story coupled with the attempts to legally assault women with the variety of odious bills in the past few weeks have just caused me so much despair and sorrow. This is a subject that no one wants to discuss, at least not in any real way.

  2. Shadow's Mom

     /  February 16, 2011

    Thank you, thank you for this post. I, too, have never have been raped, and I’ve lived in circumstances in which my luck was truly a blessing. Women are objectified by society, by men, even by other women. This incident, along with news of the failure of US military command to stand behind servicewomen who had been raped and the many new GOP bills attempting to further dehumanize women, have angered me. I am still working out how I can direct that anger in the most productive manner, but you post has helped to create an island of rationality in a world that seems hellbent on forcing women back to a subordinate position.

  3. stupid analysis

     /  February 16, 2011

    american culture suck aswell this middle easterns

  4. Danny

     /  February 16, 2011

    Thank you for your story. While, it doesn’t happen to a man often in comparison to women, I was sexual assaulted. Friends took me to a bachelor party and had this stripper grind on my crotch for more than 15 mintues. I tried to get away but my friends held me down and she kept at it. I tooks weeks for me to finally move on and I never that incident to my wife.

    My thoughts and prayers to Lara Logan.

  5. Nora Carrington

     /  February 16, 2011

    I left a comment where this was crossposted but I wanted to tell you “at home” that I very much appreciate your writing this.

  6. Sarah Netofi

     /  February 16, 2011

    Interesting study done at a US college several years ago: male students were asked in an anonymous survey what they thought of rape, and they uniformly condemned “rape.” Another anonymous survey was sent to the same men a couple of months later asking, among other questions, how many times did a man have to take a woman out (to dinner, to a movie, to a show, etc.) before he could force her to have sex? Less than 50% of the men said it was never okay to force her to have sex. The rest gave varying answers: twice, 6 months, should be in-a-relationship, etc. All this proved was that men are spectacularly unclear on the concept.

    • This is so interesting, and so important. It reminds me of the one thing that Golda Meir said that I can unequivocally get behind: There had been a rash of rapes in Israel, and the Knesset (parliament) had proposed that women be put under a curfew “for their own safety.” Golda’s response was: “The men are doing the raping. Put them under curfew!” (I paraphrase from memory, but I did own a poster with that quote for a very long time!)

      Unless and until we get a majority — a massive majority — of men on board regarding the inexcusable nature of rape, women will continue to have to take self-defense classes. The men [speaking very broadly] are doing the raping — they’re the ones who need the education.

    • Persia

       /  February 16, 2011

      This is one of the reasons I love the ‘list of ways to prevent rape’ that went around the blogosphere a while back: If a women is drugged and unconscious, don’t rape her.

  7. Doug Schrecengost

     /  February 16, 2011

    These rapists need to have their genitals torn out and left to bleed out to death.

    • I feel a very strong need to say that I understand this feeling, I truly do — but there’s a level of violence that I don’t think serves anyone, not even the society searching to cleanse itself of evil. A Palestinian man who lost three daughters and a niece in 2009 when their house was hit by an Israeli tank shell recently said that “revenge will never bring them justice. What brings them justice is to act and do good deeds and be their voice.”

      The best thing we can do is act against sexual assault in all its darkest corners.

  8. Snoring Dog Studio

     /  February 16, 2011

    I pray for Logan’s recovery – the recovery of her spirit may take much much longer, if it does happen. There are some things completely off limits for humorous fodder – and rape is one of them. If “we” believe it’s okay to make jokes about it, we condone it. People that do make jokes about it are still not getting it. And yet, some of these people are actually well-educated. I shudder.

  9. The Ancient Randonneur

     /  February 16, 2011

    My thoughts are with Ms. Logan and her loved ones. Amanda Marcotte wrote an interesting piece, with regard to this horrific crime and what rape really constitues:

    There is no more “pure” rape than men getting together and encouraging each other to prove this perverse, patriarchal definition of manhood by hurting and dominating a woman. And that’s why rapes escalate in times of conflict, because in the frenzy of men trying to get power over each other, women are objects to act out those power games.

    I agree with her and I agree with you. However, I don’t know if I would be able to control to my impulsive desire to bring great violence upon anyone who perpetrated this crime upon my own wife or daughters.

  10. thank you for writing this emily. About two years ago I tried to draft something similar (in response to some other high profile sexual assault). I still have the draft, titled “lucky” but I couldn’t ever pull it all together. Thanks for connecting the dots.
    My thoughts go out to Lara Logan.

  11. Cindy Abreu

     /  February 16, 2011

    You have given me a new perspective on how truly lucky any woman is who has not been raped is. Rape isn’t just about the physical damage it’s, to me, the mental violation as well. Bruises and cuts heal but it is so hard and it takes so long, if ever, to regain what was lost in an instant. I had never considered how men never really have to think about these things, until (and I’m not trying to be funny at all) perhaps they are facing prison time. Then I think the reality hits them that they are in danger of perhaps one of the worst human violations. I do think you’re forgetting about female to female rape. It’s not that common but it still is just as horrific.

  12. BJonthegrid

     /  February 16, 2011

    About fifteen years ago we had sex crimes detectives come to our roll call. They told us that if we were ever attacked we should just do whatever the attacker told us so we could “survive”. I was single and dating so I was a potential victim, considering most women get raped by an acquaintance. So I asked the male detective in front of my majority female co-workers I were a man would he have the same advice. He paused way too long because the shit hit the fan!

    We knew that there were too many woman who “did what their attackers told them” only to be murdered. And we took calls from women who successfully defended theirselves from attacks. We could not believe this was the advice he was giving everyday citizens (women). This detective came back to our roll call six months later. He brought us donuts and thanked us for making him a better detective.

    I have also done sexual victim roll playing for the Academy. One recruit, walked in the door and said “So, what happened?”. I went off the rails. I screamed at him until a “play” supervisor showed up. He flunked twice with me. Recruits can only go through a scenario three times, if they fail they are out the program. On the third time they gave him someone (nice) else and he passed. I told his Sgt, he better not ever show up at my house.

    I am one of the lucky ones too but I have a front row seat at this horror. This is NOT a demographic problem, it’s worldwide.

  13. Pipp

     /  February 16, 2011

    Although all types of men rape, people must understand that in the Islamic world, there is an obsession for White Women….

    I have edited out most of what this person said, because the way the comment was written represents a kind of massive, across-the-board xenophobia/racism that I’m not willing to host on my site. Having said that, there is, in fact, an element of differing social expectations that factor into the rape of some women in some places — but no matter where you go, there’s a good reason, a good excuse, a good explanation for why women are raped, and it frequently boils down to: It was the woman’s fault. We’re advised to be honest about the whole picture — even the cultural aspects that make good progressive like me very uncomfortable — but by whole picture I mean WHOLE picture. Rape is universal. Only the rationale changes.

    PS: It’s also worth noting that millions of Muslims are, in fact, white.

    • udhetar

       /  February 16, 2011

      “there is, in fact, an element of differing social expectations”

      I remember when I lived in a dormitory in Germany, I spent an evening comparing notes with an Iranian hallmate on the relative danger of moving around the city alone. We had both been harassed/assaulted numerous times, sometimes without serious threat, sometimes with frightening aggression. What surprised both of us as the conversation went on was realizing that, with few exceptions, my assaulters had been non-Germans, and mostly dark-skinned, while hers had been exclusively white Germans.

      I think there is less a difference in social expectations than a readiness to find something *other* in the intended victim, and this readiness combines with opportunity. In Germany, there was sufficient social control to prevent someone who was “like me” from attacking or harassing me. Those likely to attack chose my hallmate, or someone like her, who was less protected by their (the attackers’) social norms. Likewise, those who were “like her” looked outside their own group to find their victims.

  14. SWNC

     /  February 16, 2011

    Thank you so much for posting this.

  15. Susan

     /  February 16, 2011

    All this is true. But…what does anyone suggest that we do about this, short of perfecting all humanity? (Don’t hold your breath.)

    The same reasoning applies equally to assault and battery, murder, robbery, burglary, all violent crime. Anyone who has not (yet) become a victim owes that status partly to luck. In all these cases there are a few things you can do to improve your odds; in all of them, no protection is 100%. Anyone who thinks being beaten halfway to death (or, to death) or having your home broken into are less stressful than rape should talk to some victims of some of these crimes. The ones who are still around to talk about it. This kind of inquiry gets us into decided who’s been more painfully victimized than whom, which I suggest is not likely to be fruitful. Me, I’d rather be raped than murdered; your opinion may be different.

    So. Premise granted. Those women (and to some extent men) who have not (yet) been raped owe this happy circumstance partly to chance. So….? Is this anything more than a fancy way of saying that there is crime in the world and that we cannot entirely control it? Or is this going somewhere?

  16. my name is mud

     /  February 16, 2011

    You have not avoided rape by simple dumb luck alone. Luck played a role, but so did your parents’ quality of care for you growing up, your avoidance of certain foolish situations and behaviors, your choice of friends, etc. It is more than dumb luck in most cases.

    • My parents (in this case: my mom, as my father died when I was a baby) were also a case of luck — but believe me. The women I know who were raped (some of whom were girls at the time) were raised in similar circumstances and have all lived lives similar to mine.

      Luck. Nothing, but nothing, but luck.

  17. Ailuridae

     /  February 16, 2011

    I couldn’t find an easy email link to tell you how much I appreciated this piece when ABL cross posted it at Cole’s joint. My sentiments have already been expressed better by asiangrrl (and others) so I am just going to say “Thank You!”

    • Thank you! It’s right there in the About page, I promise: elhauser [at] hotmail [dot] com.

      But this is plenty lovely, right here!

  18. b.e.

     /  February 16, 2011

    Emily, I was reading about the incident with Lara Logan and ran across this post. I have dated a couple of girls who were raped, and even 20+ years after the incidents they saw themselves as some how to blame. It is hard to grapple with emotionally as a man, to hear someone you love tell you about this sort of thing. I can’t imagine what it is like to encounter those emotions on a daily basis. You are right, rape is universal, it has been used for gratification, as a weapon of war, as a way of “keeping women in their place” of showing superiority, etc. I agree that we in the west look at other cultures as if we don’t have problems. I don’t believe the incident with Lara Logan was culturally motivated but rather that mob was experiencing a moment where the constraints of society were lifted and they indulged a primal and disturbing impulse. It happens in secluded allies, prom nights, prisons, dorms, everywhere. I am glad you wrote this post. I wish that I could say you weren’t lucky, that there was some formula for avoiding rape or any other bad thing, but there is not. The future as much as we try to predict it is blind to us, everything we plan for can fall apart and for a certain number of us it will.

    • Thank you so much for coming here, and for adding this to the conversation.

      I truly believe that the key to the issue of all violence against women lies in the same hands that perpetuate it: Male hands. Women can protect ourselves and care for ourselves and support each other, but until we as a society come to understand that the way we teach men, and the things men teach each other, change — women will still get hurt.

      Men of good will are so crucial in this struggle, and I thank you so much for being part of it.

  19. azjayhawk47

     /  February 16, 2011

    Absolutely brilliant essay that brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for writing this.

  20. Sarah Netofi

     /  February 16, 2011

    Having dealt with males in both the Middle East and in the United States, I can categorically state that much male behavior is based on social cues and misinformation. I had two roommates, one blonde and one redheaded, who were sitting with me on the steps on the student union one day. An Egyptian grad student walked up, pulled to the blonde to her feet, and began to pull her away from us. I stopped him and asked him what he thought he was doing? He told me that he watched television at home in Egypt and everyone knew that American girls would sleep with anyone, so he was taking her to his apartment for sex. He let her go when I began screaming at him in Arabic but he was clearly puzzled. He’d only been in the US for two weeks. American men, on the other hand, seem to think a woman is freely available for sex if she’s been drinking or if he paid for dinner. Different cultural norms–same result.

  21. Sorn Jessen

     /  February 16, 2011

    I love this post. Thanks so much. I only have one small quibble for what its worth. I understand where you’re coming from when you say that

    Like most crimes, rape is a crime of opportunity.

    In a sense I agree with you in that a lot of crimes hinge around opportunity. However, I would argue that rape isn’t a crime of opportunity so much as it is about power and dominance. The opportunity has to be there, but ultimately those who commit crimes of sexual assault aren’t looking for an oppotunity to have sex but for an opportunity to show their power and dominance over another individual. Rape doesn’t have to be violent, or to fit the stereotypes, or any of the things that some people think of when they think of this horrible crime. Rather it is a crime where one person forcibly takes away another person’s dignity and self-respect in the most vile way possible.

    I think this aspect of rape, the fact that it is a crime of power and dominance, accounts for the tragic episodes of victim blaming that appear after someone is sexually assaulted. People don’t blame murder victims, or the victims of other crimes because those victims are seen to be victims in a way that rape victims often are not. The reasons for this have to do with rape as a crime that, much like child abuse, involves one person taking control of another person against their will. Rape is seen to be different because often there exists a myth that another person can’t dominate another unless that person gives consent at some level. As you and other’s have shown this idea that someone cannot dominate another without that person’s consent, is largely a myth, but it is a myth that, I beleive, plays a crucial role in our self-conception. Most of us like to believe that we have far more power over our circumstances than we actually do. Rape which most of us are powerless to stop if it happens to us, sometimes because it happens by force, other times because we deny or do not realize what is going on, demonstrates how powerless most people are in the face of certain events. I believe that victim-blaming plays a crucial role in maintaining the illusion of power over circumstances beyond our control. The reality, that most of us truly are powerless a good deal of the time when faced with someone hell-bent on domination is to much for most of us to process.

    Anyway thanks so much for this.

    • I would argue that rape isn’t a crime of opportunity so much as it is about power and dominance. The opportunity has to be there, but ultimately those who commit crimes of sexual assault aren’t looking for an opportunity to have sex but for an opportunity to show their power and dominance over another individual.

      Absolutely, and I’m so glad you put it this way.

      Rape is primarily a crime of power and dominance, and only secondarily one of opportunity. You’re absolutely right.

      Also, I think this plays a much bigger role in society’s reactions that we like to believe: “Most of us like to believe that we have far more power over our circumstances than we actually do.”

  22. Shadow's Mom

     /  February 16, 2011

    For those stopping by, I cannot recommend highly enough Alice Sebold’s first book “Lucky.” You may know of her work through the recent movie “The Lovely Bones.” In “Lucky,” Ms. Sebold relates her own experience with rape and its long-term effect on her life. Those effects impacted her long after she successfully saw her rapist convicted and sent to prison.

  23. Very nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have truly enjoyed surfing around your blog posts. In any case I will be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again very soon!

  24. CitizenE

     /  February 16, 2011

    Thanks for posting this Emily. I am pretty late to the thread, but my life, such as it is, like I said at the beginning of the year, has different constraints. But anyway here’s 2 cents from an old guy’s observations.

    When I was a teenager, as in later in life, I a hard time getting the knack of girlfriends and teen romance, though I was certainly smitten at times starting at the age of thirteen. I was pretty well liked by folks in general, girls as well as boys, but for the lack of a steady girlfriend, the one girl who was also a real friend to meant at the time and in retrospect the world to me. I don’t know how it is for women, but as a man I get something emotional from women that I rarely get from men, and that was even truer way back in the day.

    She was a friend’s kid sister, and though I always thought she was very attractive, I really never felt romantically inclined towards her. But she really got me; we were great pals, and our friendship was affectionate.

    We stayed friends in college, but after college drifted into our separate lives. A few years later, when I was living on a beautiful ranch in the hills to the west in Napa, California, we somehow got in contact, and I invited her up for a visit. A couple of friends and I, in our twenties, had a pretty great scene up there, we worked during the week for the ranch’s owner and lived and had the place to ourselves the rest of the time. As one might imagine, we had some wild times up there, and of course being that there were two or three men all without women living up on that land, women were always very welcome up there. At the top of the land there was a glorious swimming hole, and it was in the days of the hippie so everyone was stark, raving naked whenever we could be.

    When my friend came up, and this is now almost forty years ago, I don’t know I was probably in the perpetual state of heat that a young man of that age living a vitally physical life would be, and we fell into our natural state of friendly affection. I don’t remember the precise details, only that I certainly never touched her in any untoward way, but rather probably as we were both lying the grass up there near one another gave her “the look,” you know the pre-coital “look” that people give one another before their first lovemaking when casual turns to physically intimate. And I saw in her eyes a look of such abject fear and sorrow that to this day it still haunts me. She did not have to say “no” aloud; I knew exactly how she felt. And it strikes me in retrospect how deeply ingrained this fear is in women, thinking of this friend who had always known me well, been my good bud, laughed with me on odd occasions for years in one instant could become so terrified of me that I appeared to her a dangerous, alien thing.

    The thing about rape is that its traumatizing effects go well beyond the act itself, affect the way the person rapes raped reacts to others and the way, insidiously, others react to them. The ripples are endless.

    I have a dear, dear loved one who was sexually abused at a very young age by
    her father. The knot in the brain is a perpetual fire if I think on it, and it happened now a few years ago. I and those who love her have to be very conscious about how we both empathize with her and refuse to identify and define her by those events.

    Men feel they are supposed to protect their loved ones, particularly the girls and women they love from the world’s violence–certainly from the particular and violent violation of sexual assault, but they cannot. Thus this issue also brings to the fore another aspect of being male in the world. In many places, the irrational response of men to their own feelings of impotency in such situations, compounds the suffering and horror of the initial rape in its egotistical betrayals, its tunnel-visioned projection of shame. We see this all over the world.

    Anyway, Emily, thanks for having the discussion here. Ms. Logan–what can one say–this is a woman who has publicly and all over the world displayed a particularly touching combination of courage, intelligence, and (and it must be said) feminine beauty in her role as a broadcast journalist working in violent places. She is a daughter, the kid sister, the long time friend, the admired friend, and a fantasy lover of the public imagination–a celebrity of substance in her prime. So her story touches a nerve.

    But she is far more importantly someone’s real daughter, real wife, real mother. What I find striking is how the news media, in respecting one of their own, have reported it all–with understatement, grace, and respect. Perhaps that is the lesson for the world to gain from all this.

    Inre, Ms. Logan, one can only wish her well, healing, and a continued life lived so meaningfully.

    • CitizenE

       /  February 16, 2011

      Gosh Emily could you go in and correct a typo for me. In paragraph 6 what I meant to say was:
      The thing about rape is that its traumatizing effects go well beyond the act itself, affect the way the person raped (CERTAINLY NOT MY INTENT TO SAY “rapes”) reacts…


    • Thank you so much for this. I know that many men have stories like this and friends like yours (and friends who survived fathers like that…), and what I think matters is that some of them begin to talk about it and open up to each and allow each other to hear the realities that they’ve been seeing all their lives.

      I do think, I honestly think, that it’s in the exchange of stories like this that healing begins. Thank you.

    • Sorn Jessen

       /  February 16, 2011


      Thank you for this. I won’t go into specifics out of respect for the women in my life who have stories like this that aren’t mine to tell, but this strikes home. I think that these types of stories, and the residual effects of such experiences are far more common than we think they are.

    • Shadow's Mom

       /  February 16, 2011

      Thank you for sharing this story. I’m in tears reading it.

    • Thanks for sharing your story. This is great.

  25. Yes this applies to what I was thinking lately is that this whole world can be explained by the concept of “bullies and minions”. That’s all that history is. Life and history is just like highschool. It’s power of one group, who exercises it like bullies, kept in power by minions.

    But that’s what rape is too. A form of bullying. Also psychopathic murder is bullying.

    And I would say that bullying has had and still does have a place of esteem in our human culture. It is the performance art of cruelty. And this performance art is meant to impress others.

    Perhaps it has some evolutionary advantage, and is why it is still respected, even though we all upfront decry it, because it has some tribal advantage. That we needed strong bullying type people to defeat the neighboring tribe.

    So rape, gang war, serial killing, is performance art, meant to impress others in a tribe, about an indivduals power to cause damage to a competing tribe.

  26. Lise

     /  February 18, 2011

    Reading this has me remembering, Emily, when you and I traveled around Israel together in 1985. I was 25, you were 21, we hitched a ride in a truck up by Tiberius…and we were lucky. The guy was nice and dropped us off in town and told us that if anyone hassled us, we should say our (fictitious) uncle was the chief of police. But I’ve been the lucky one in college, when my friend was raped, not me, I’ve been the lucky one when the men in business suits in downtown Chicago *just* verbally assaulted me, I’ve been the lucky one…you’ve been the lucky one… so far.

  27. Emily, thank you for writing this wonderful post. Yes to all of it, and more people need to read it. Something that’s been bugging me in reading the responses to Logan’s horrible situation are both the people criticizing Logan and the people thinking rape is an Egyptian epidemic instead of a global. Ironically, the latter group doesn’t notice the sexism in their own comments.

  28. k___bee

     /  February 22, 2011

    Thank you, ee. This is something people need to understand.

  29. The courage and bravery shown by lara logan is very much appreciable and the incident is not going to take her courage down

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