Guest blogger: The boy.

I’m planning on returning to my blogging of Dr. King’s Strength to Love on Monday, in celebration of his birthday — but of course, in schools across America, kids have been talking about and working on Dr. King’s legacy all this week.

The boy’s 6th grade Language Arts class was given an assignment to write a speech about their own dreams, in the style and tone of the “I have a dream” speech. When Ted (that’s his name) asked to read his to us at dinner last night, I had no idea what to expect — but the tears were pouring down my face before he got a third of the way through.

In honor of Dr. King, and with great, enormous respect for this boy that I am lucky enough to call my own, I decided to post his speech here today. It’s a great way to start thinking about what Dr. King called on us to do — how far we’ve come, and how far we have left to go.

My Dream

I say to you today, my fellow Americans, that in 40 years we have accomplished something phenomenal. On April 4th, 1968, the legendary Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated for believing in freedom. On November 4th, 2008, exactly 40 years and 7 months later, a black man known as Barack Obama was given the position as the most powerful individual figure in the United States. Yes, what we did could be classified as amazing. However, our work is far from done in the endless struggle known as human rights. Many kinds of people still fight for equality. It is my dream that all of these people will be treated with equality and kindness.

I have a dream, my fellow Americans, that one day this nation will stand as one, hand in hand, with every race and religion. Muslims, Hispanics, Asians, Black People, White People, all people will regard each other as equals.

I have a dream, my fellow Americans, that one day you can love the person you choose to love and no one can say otherwise. That you can devote yourself to someone and not be discriminated no matter what gender they are. That the only boundary love will know is the content of your character.

I have a dream, my fellow Americans, that one day money will not serve as a boundary between humans, but  instead only serve to bring them closer. The rich class and the middle class and the poor class will live together, supporting and caring for each other.

I have a dream, my fellow Americans, that one day all of God’s people, regardless of their race, age, economic status or any other separation that serves as a dividing line will be united as one. Many people have been fighting the war for equality for too long. It is my hope that the end of this war is on the horizon.

My fellow Americans, I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day no one in this world will be able to push you down, regardless of any stereotypes. I have a dream that in all 50 states Muslim Boys and Muslim Girls and homosexual boys and homosexual girls and rich boys and rich girls and poor boys and poor girls and all of the boys and girls of America will join together and nothing in the world will be able to stop them.

My fellow Americans, I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day no matter what your community thinks of you, or what your friends think of you, or what you think of you, when you have a choice to make, your decision is the one you trust.

This is my dream. This is my hope, my wish, my desire, my own personal Messiah. I have a firm belief that this day will come, slowly but surely, and when it comes all classifications of people will join in a splendorous celebration of connection and peace. When this day comes the earth itself will cry out: “I have witnessed a miracle!”

written by Ted L____, 6th grader

January 13th, 2011


  1. Beautiful!

    Glad you’re priding.

    Gladder you shared.

    Gladdest Ted’s content of character that produced writing like this.

  2. Man, ee, that’s incredible. What a fine young man you have there. Give him a hug and an ‘atta boy’ from me.

  3. carlos the dwarf

     /  January 14, 2011

    *applause* Go Ted!

  4. SWNC

     /  January 14, 2011

    What a wonderful son you have. You done good.

  5. mkpheartsnyc

     /  January 14, 2011

    Amazing – v. teary and v. v. impressed.

  6. BJonthegrid

     /  January 14, 2011

    Mr. Ted. (You call guys mister when you respect them, not because they are old, so don’t freak)

    Dr. Martin Lurther King would have been so proud and impressed by your speech. He didn’t mean for his dream to be private. He shared it and wanted others to share it and expand it. You have done so and once again, he would have been so proud! Excellent!

  7. Sorn Jessen

     /  January 14, 2011

    I wanted to say, that your son seems like a very sweet and thoughtful boy. I hope world is kind to him because it often isn’t to boys like him.

  8. Lovely. And he’s definitely his mother’s son–not only is he kind and thinking, but he knows how to write a sentence!

  9. Needed more than 140 characters and a tissue. My 13 yr old daughter expresses the same sentiment-can’t wait to see these kids take on their world. May The Boy never find himself in a 9-5 desk job. Rather, may he find himself among people, on the ground in communities, where his dream, his example as an American, is shared with many and an influence on all whom he should meet.

  10. Darth Thulhu

     /  January 16, 2011

    Uplifting and inspiring dreaming, Mr. Ted. May we always strive to make it so.

  11. 4jkb4ia

     /  January 17, 2011


  1. ReBlog, or RB, as it were. Guest blogger: The boy. (via Emily L. Hauser – In My Head) | Tucsonsarah's Blog
  2. Balloon Juice » MLK Day: A Sixth Grader’s Dream