Ok, now I’m pissed.

I no longer recall whatever it was I was planning on writing earlier today. Apparently I’ve  moved from stunned horror over the damned flotilla and its implications to being crazy pissed off, and this transition has clouded my memory.

Because here’s the deal: The manner in which Israel handled the aid flotilla to Gaza was immoral, indefensible, murderous, and IMO, self-defeating. As I’ve said before, I’m pretty sure that the non-violence of the activists wasn’t perfection itself — after all, if I had armed soldiers lowering themselves onto my boat in the dead of night in international waters, I might well hit them with anything that came to hand. I might have even come prepared for such an eventuality, if only because I’d studied Israel and learned that the Israeli military invariably responds to any opposition with the biggest show of force it can muster. And no level of non-non-violence excuses or forgives Israel’s behavior. Trained commandos cannot simply set off to attack civilians on the high seas, no matter the provocation. Of course the flotilla was a provocation — it was designed, all along, to draw attention to Israel’s collective punishment of the population of Gaza. Of course the activists didn’t acquiesce to Israel’s demands that they turn around, of course they knew something crazy would happen, of course they were taking an enormous risk to make a political point — that is the way that civil disobedience and activism work! Israel has so much to answer for, and I am sickened by the efforts of the Israeli government and many Israeli citizens (and their supporters) to explain away the disaster that they brought on themselves — and the nine lives that the commandos took.

But do you want to know what’s a million, gajillion times worse than the flotilla incident? The motherfucking occupation.

Why the hell did it take the deaths of nine foreign nationals for the world to notice the occupation?

Yesterday I wrote about 300,000 people living in abject poverty, and no electricity for half the day, and 27 people who died in 2009 awaiting permission to leave Gaza for medical care, all the direct result of the blockade. And while the blockade has been particularly egregious — it’s all just a harsher version of what daily life has been like in Gaza and the West Bank since 1967.

For more than four decades, Palestinians have watched as their lands were taken, their children killed, their freedom of movement strangled, their ability to work and/or feed their families snatched, their tax revenues stolen, and their suffering ignored, belittled or flat-out denied. The Palestinians in Gaza live in the knowledge that Israel can and may very well invade with the full force of the Middle East’s most powerful army at the drop of a hat; the Palestinians in the West Bank have helplessly watched their small piece of land sliced and diced and cut in half by walls and roads and road blocks (and an arbitrary system of population control that means everyone needs a permit to go nearly anywhere), cutting families in half, farm lands in half, communities in half, and cutting students, professionals, and manual laborers off from schools, offices, and jobs. Not to mention hospitals and regular health care.

Yes, they have fought back, and yes some of them have done horrible, horrifying, horrific things in the name of self-defense. Some of them are rank anti-Semites, and would be even if there weren’t an occupation, because some people are just bad. Many, many — far too many — innocent Israelis have died and while I know that many think I excuse their deaths, I absolutely do not.

But what gets me is that Israel continues to act as if all of that is surprising — no: Appalling! How dare they not like us? How dare they maintain their own national narrative, even after we won the war? How dare they try to defend themselves — indeed, come to that, how dare they behave as if we were in a state of war and arm themselves for that war? We are the only ones with the right to arm ourselves! We are the only ones with the right to feel threatened! Palestinians who are not Zionists are terrorists!

So slowly, slowly, over 43 years, Israel has deepened its hold on the territories, its occupation becoming more and more stultifying, more and more brutal, more and more inimical to the barest possibility of an actual resolution of (rather than endless blood-soaked management of) the conflict — and the world got used to it. Until nine non-Palestinians were killed in international waters.

Then, suddenly, the world noticed.

I mean no disrespect to those killed on Sunday — they surely knew that in trying to draw attention to the blockade and the occupation behind it, they ran the risk of violence, and yet they bravely took that risk. They did not deserve to die, and I mourn their loss.

But I mourn also the thousands and thousands of Palestinians killed by Israel in the course of 43 years of occupation: Men, women, children, combatants and noncombatants alike, more than 6,200 in the last decade alone. I wish the world had raised a hue and cry for them.

If we had, perhaps the flotilla wouldn’t have even been necessary.



Israel/Palestine: the basics.

Israel/Palestine peace advocacy – places to start.

Israel/Palestine – a reading list.


  1. My friend Rabbi Brant Rosen drew my attention to your blog after I posted recently asking for women’s voices on the flotilla situation, and I’m glad he did; I look forward to reading more of your words, both some of the back posts as I am able, and some of what you’re writing going forward.

  2. jerry

     /  June 2, 2010

    Nice blog. What would you have Israel do in the short and medium term? I am assuming that you agree with the existence of Israel. Genuinely interested in your point of view.

  3. Hypnos

     /  June 3, 2010

    I think the world raised more than one cry in the past 10 years. There are endless UN resolutions. People in Europe marched in protest during the Second Intifada, the Lebanon invasion, the Gaza raid, and then voted accordingly. The vast majority of Europeans thinks Israel is a danger to world peace – more so than North Korea and Iran. Few European governments are really all that favorable to Israel – rembember how Livni didn’t go to the UK because she was at risk of being arrested for war crimes. Like Pinochet.

    And let’s not talk about the Muslim world. They are the other extreme – and are often in the wrong with their hatred and propaganda. But they cry each and every time Israel kills a single Palestinian.

    So I think you’re wrong in saying that the world didn’t notice untill now. The world took great notice. The world embraced the Goldstone report. And what for?

    Absolutely nothing. Because there is only one country that can change the way Israel behaves. It is the only country that matters. Without that country, the rest of the world’s population could set itself on fire in protest and not a dime would change.

    And obviously, it is the only country that didn’t show a shed of indignation for the 2006 war. That immediately justified the Gaza raid as self defence. And that is just as unmoved by this latest incident.

    That country is the United States. And there lies the entirety of the problem.

  4. Betty Molchany has this link on her Facebook wall and I’m pleased to have followed it through. As with Rachel Barenblat, above, I will look forward to reading more of your work…

    Thank you!

  5. Mystic55

     /  June 3, 2010

    Here’s a good hint for what Israel should do in the short to medium term:

    STOP ELECTING LIKUD! If you want to behave like US southern republican trogledytes then you should be treated as such.

  6. Elizabeth

     /  June 3, 2010

    Best thing I have read on the issues. Best! I have shared this far and wide.

  7. jerry

     /  June 4, 2010

    I read your post Israel/Palestine: the Basics. Pretty good. Not sure I agree with all of it. Your point that a two state solution is a capitulation by the Palestinians is correct. You are also correct in your point of view that that Israel must reach further for peace because is the stronger protagonist

    However, I believe that if Israel hadn’t been victorious in 1948, 1967, and 1973, it wouldn’t exist. The only reason Israel continues to exist is because of its overwhelming military superiority. If Egypt and Jordan hadn’t lost so badly in each conflict, they would not have signed any peace treaties.

    You also intellectually slide and tap dance through your justification of Zionism and the establishing of the State of Israel which is at the heart of conflict between Israel and Palestinians. It would be very hard to convince a member of Hamas to recognize the right of Israel to exist.
    Good blog

  8. Hpnos what is wrong with the muslim world cying out for Gaza, what Israelis and the Western world has never fully been able to grasp is the Arab rhetoric is very passionate.But actions and rhetoric are to differing things.
    Hell yes the Palestinian resistance movment has done some atrocious acts in the past, to get thier plight noticed when the wrold was ignoring thier suffering.But its nothing nothing in comparison to the act commited against the Palestinians in the lead up to establisment and post establisment of the Zionist entity.
    The zionist calculated very wrong right fomr the beginning a land without a people for a people wihtout a land.And yes the people got pissed and angry,and fought back with the only means they could.Who amongst us honestly wouldnt of???????

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