Tuesday open thread.

Have at it!

Standard FYI clause: I generally wait about 2 hours after Ta-Nehisi would typically open a thread (roughly noon, EST, back when such a thing was typical…!), and if none is forthcoming, I put one up here.

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  1. Voice recap! and a wax Tailor Tunes For Tuesday.
    Plus Sherlock is being delayed! WHAAAAA.

    • taylor16

       /  November 27, 2012

      I watched The Voice yesterday and thought it was not as awful as I used to (although I don’t understand Cassadeeeeeee or whatever her stupid name is being a front-runner).

      Also, I am refusing to believe the news that Dan Stevens may not be returning to Downton for Season 4. No.

      • Bookwoman

         /  November 27, 2012

        More important, Maggie Smith won’t be there. Now that’s a tragedy!

        • I don’t believe Dan won’t be back. He’s just holding out for a raise.

        • taylor16

           /  November 27, 2012

          See, that will be awful too … but if they keep jumping ahead by decades, I get it. The Dowager Countess isn’t going to live to be 140, after all…

          Doesn’t mean I won’t be sad to see her go, but …

          I also really hope that ani is right about Dan. I have bought the Matthew/Mary relationship hook, line and sinker, and don’t want to let it go…

          • koolaide

             /  November 27, 2012

            Maggie Smith makes the show, for me. Without her? meh.

      • Cassadee Pope is the former front woman for a band called “Hey Monday.” who have had a string of minor hits, including one that was picked up and covered by Glee last season. She suspended the band to go on The Voice, so she walked in with a solid voter base from the getgo. She hadn’t really been a frontrunner until last week, when Blake made her stop doing faux punk pop rock and refashioend her as the next Taylor Swift with a slightly better singing voice.
        The truth is the Voice *needs* a winner who can sell records. and they need it within the next year if they have any hope of the show not fading as quickly as it blew up. Cassadee could be that. it’s in their interest for her to win. She’s already hit number one on the iTunes chart–a feat no one on The Voice has done, ever, not even in the finale.
        Hopefully that explains it a bit?

        • taylor16

           /  November 27, 2012

          Yeah, that does explain it. I just … I’m so tired of pretty-faced girls who don’t sing very well being TEH HOTTEST THING in pop culture. Sigh. 😦

          (This is also why I don’t watch Idol much anymore…)

  2. koolaide

     /  November 27, 2012


    • Captain_Button

       /  November 27, 2012

      Oh man, don’t hit me with them negative waves so early in the afternoon.

  3. doginajacket

     /  November 27, 2012


  4. koolaide

     /  November 27, 2012

    Dear hostess with the mostess. Why is my comment not showing up What did I do wrong? Was it the link? Or the curse word? Or other weirdness? thx.

    • I see no missing comment in my “pending” file…! Perhaps you wrote it in a dream?

      • koolaide

         /  November 27, 2012

        No, I wrote it, hit “post comment” and it didn’t appear. So I tried to post it again but when I hit “post comment” I received a “you’ve already posted this” message from WP.

        I will try to post it a third time.

        • koolaide

           /  November 27, 2012

          sigh. clearly WP does not want me posting this article I saw nor my commentary. My 3rd try went astray.

          • send me the link to emily dot hauser at gmail & I’ll post it, and then you can comment on it (if you still feel like it at this point!).

            • koolaide

               /  November 27, 2012

              So I was just able to make a post, sans link, about the article. Clearly the link was the problem. I tried to post only the link (no fancy html) and a post with the link in an < a href html tag. Neither of those worked. I guess folks will need to use google-fu to find it?

          • caoil

             /  November 27, 2012

            Can you try just your commentary first, and then make the link in a reply to it?

      • caoil

         /  November 27, 2012

        So Bobby’s ALIVE? WHUT

        • koolaide

           /  November 27, 2012

          But who shot JR?

          • caoil

             /  November 27, 2012

            It was me. *hangs head in shame*
            Though I’ll say that gun was pretty heavy for me as a youngster.

  5. caoil

     /  November 27, 2012

    If Ferdzy’s around again today: apparently Marg Delahunty will be making an appearance on tonight’s This Hour Has 22 Minutes re: the Rob Ford thing.

    In case you didn’t already know. 😉

    This has been your moment of extremely confusing Canadiana for today.

  6. doginajacket

     /  November 27, 2012

    Oh, caoil, in answer to your question of yesterday, it is highly unusual & caught me completely off guard.

    • caoil

       /  November 27, 2012

      That sounds like it was a dreadful experience! Sending you sympathy vibes for having suffered through it.

      • doginajacket

         /  November 27, 2012

        Thanks. I sure hope it never happens again. I’ve been trying to figure out what might have triggered it and the only thing I can think of is that I drank an unfamiliar brand of coffee that morning that may have been stronger than what I’m used to, though it tasted fine.

  7. More boozing! I reviewed a rather nice, sweet whisky with a bit of maritime salt, Old Pulteney 17 Year Old.


  8. I think that when I joined the FB group under my ridiculous alias so as to have access to things like “but I put pictures up on FB, Emily, if only you were on FB!” — the members of said FB group thought I was actually joining the FB group.

    I dearly hope they [you?] have forgiven me.

    • caoil

       /  November 27, 2012

      Have you disappeared again? Or are you still just lurking?

    • No, we just assume you’re lurking.

      • I’m actually not even lurking…! I just wanted a backdoor key if people wanted to be able to refer me to something they had already posted/referred to/written about (as happens about once a week, I think).

    • doginajacket

       /  November 27, 2012

      I also assume you’re lurking. I did post a dog picture just for you, did you see it?

      • I have literally not even been back since that first day. But now that you’ve told me you have something for me to see, I shall go!

        Could you link me to it directly? Lord knows I do like a good dog picture…! : )

        • doginajacket

           /  November 27, 2012

          Hmm. I can’t get on FB right now but you should have a notice from FB that (my real name) mentioned you in a post. If that doesn’t work I’ll send you more dog pictures later.

        • Captain_Button

           /  November 27, 2012


    • Darth Thulhu

       /  November 27, 2012

      I am disappointed in your ability to remain strong against the relentless tide of the Tome of Frontal Skullflesh. People who actually care can email, text, or direct message. If they must broadcast, they can tumblr or tweet and send a link.

      Never signup! Never surrender!

  9. efgoldman

     /  November 27, 2012

    So far, this is the most insidery self-referential thread I remember in this here styudent lounge.

    • Well, and that’s saying something.

      (I think we’ve become a much smaller group in the past few weeks. The all-but-disappearance of OTANs at the mothership inevitably leads to less interest/attention, I think).

      • efgoldman

         /  November 27, 2012

        Also, when The Khan does drop an OTAN, because they’re so rare now, there is a lot more serious discussion and long posting, and a lot less of the flippant jackassery that some of us immature noodniks enjoy. Do you think we’ll ever see another oatmeal-to-the-margins thread over there again?

        • We can but dream.

        • corkingiron

           /  November 27, 2012

          Well, if you were on FB, there’s a 300+ thread about white folks and wash clothes that expanded (degenerated?) into a discussion of weird tropical bugs…..

          • Captain_Button

             /  November 27, 2012

            With a side of house cleaning and the morality of paying for it.

            • Bookwoman

               /  November 27, 2012

              What’s immoral about paying for it? Do people mean not paying social security, etc. if you’re employing an individual (as opposed to a service)?

              • Captain_Button

                 /  November 27, 2012

                Generally feeling it is damaging people’s dignity or something like that. Especially acute for those who are only one or two generations away from being the servants themselves.

          • doginajacket

             /  November 27, 2012

            And then there’s the James Bond marathon post that’s been sticky for a few weeks now, I think.

      • Well, I’m missing because not only is it painful to type, but I’ve done some damage to my vocal cords today. I suspect it has to do with my radio station playing the Beatles’ entire catalog in order. And having no co-workers in my part of the office today. I may have been singing too much. Oops.

        • efgoldman

           /  November 27, 2012

          Learning to sing loudly without injuring yourself is a real art and science. mrs efgoldman knows how (she’s a trained pro) but i fear you are too far from Rhode Island.
          Actually, everyone and everything is too far from Rhode Island.

        • watson42

           /  November 27, 2012

          In order? That begs the question: does one play Let It Be last or Abbey Road last? (This has actually been a topic of Serious Discussion in some of my circles. As I once said to a friend “But it matters.”)

          • They have it as Abbey Road, Let it Be, and Masters in that order. (They just finished the White Album.)

  10. koolaide

     /  November 27, 2012

    A person I know posted a link to a post on everyday feminism asking poor people to sort of come out of the closet as one step in trying to change the level of discussion about poverty & food stamps and so forth. I have thoughts about it. But they are jumbled so I wanted the mini-Horde’s thoughts. Anyone read that post? I’d link but maybe the link is what keeps getting my post vaporized.

    (This is part of the post I’ve had trouble posting)

    • taylor16

       /  November 27, 2012

      I am a big, huge, gigantic believer in people coming clean about things we “aren’t supposed to” talk to, in order to personalize those issues for other people and to make them understand that they aren’t just things that happen to “those immoral people over there.” I’ve made it a huge point in my life to talk about things that other people might find ugly or distasteful as a result.

      So while I’d never demand that everyone behave like me, I definitely agree that “coming out of the closet” about a variety of things can have some positive consequences.

      As a former academic, I also FULLY support scholars who want to come clean about the fact that not everyone can survive on a tiny academic stipend and also flit off to every academic conference and stay in a 4-star hotel. The inherent privilege in academia (and the fact that everyone pretended it wasn’t there) drove me batshit insane. So to the more specific example the author gives, I would LOVE to see some people publicly addressing privilege in academia.

      In other words, I admit that I just skimmed the post (heading to a meeting), but based on what I see I fully agree with it.

  11. efgoldman

     /  November 27, 2012

    The single most important person in the history of baseball has died. As usual, Charles Pierce has the goods:

    The man who saved baseball from itself, and from obsolescence, passed away today at 95.

    There is no more important figure in the history of the game than Marvin Miller. He changed more of baseball, and more of it for the better, than anyone else. To the wider world, he was one of the last people who demonstrated why the power of a union remained important no matter how much globalist utopian bluster has come to cloud the issue down through the decades.


    Scott, at Lawyers, Guns & Money, has an appreciation, too:

    • dave in texas

       /  November 27, 2012

      That Marvin Miller is not in the Hall of Fame and such mediocrities as Happy Chandler and Ford Frick are is a crime against humanity.

      • efgoldman

         /  November 27, 2012

        That Marvin Miller is not in the Hall of Fame and such mediocrities as Happy Chandler and Ford Frick are….
        And what do you want to bet that Bud goes in while he’s still alive.
        Aren’t the non-players voted in by someone other than the BBWA members?
        Also: The HOF is a real pleasure to visit. Its a shame that so much of the stuff around it is fked up.

        • dave in texas

           /  November 27, 2012

          I’m not sure how the non-players are selected. Maybe the same veterans committee that can’t find its ass with both hands in pair of tight pants? I’ll bet you’re right–Bud goes in while he’s still alive.

          I’d love to visit the HOF sometime, but Cooperstown is quite a trek from Austin, and I am but a poor, impoverished state worker.

          • efgoldman

             /  November 27, 2012

            I am but a poor, impoverished state worker.
            To read Rupert’s papers in Boston and New York, you’d think all the poor, impoverished state workers around here make six figures++.
            Also too, Cooperstown is @5-6 hour drive from where we live.

            • dave in texas

               /  November 27, 2012

              To make six figures around here as a state worker, you have to have been appointed by the governor, who, by the way, just appointed his chief of staff to the state’s supreme court.

              Criminy, I can drive 5-6 hours toward Cooperstown and not even be out of Texas yet.

  12. TNC has been writing on male-female relations so this sort of fits.. Richard Cohen had a piece in this morning’s post comparing today’s James Bond (Mr. Craig, very ripped in Skyfall) with the male leads of his and my youth (Cary Grant and Gary Cooper, both of whom get Grace Kelly, neither of whom were more than fit). I have to admit, it seems like I’m more aware of people’s bodies these days than I’ve been since I was young and randy. Is that a reflection of the times?

  13. I fail to believe that the CSRs on the other end of this line are working hard to answer my call in the order it was received.

    • efgoldman

       /  November 27, 2012

      They know its you; they keep dropping you to the end of the q on purpose.


        • doginajacket

           /  November 27, 2012

          Yesterday afternoon I was on hold for 20 minutes and then I got to a message saying “This message was recorded on Wed. Nov 21, our office will be closed until Mon. Nov 26 at 8:00 am, please call back at that time” then the line disconnected.

        • Electronic_Neko

           /  November 27, 2012

          Wow. That is some determination. I was on hold with the Patent Office today. They play funereal music and periodically remind you that you can make it stop by leaving a messsage and allowing them to deal with you at their convenience. I caved after twenty minutes.

  14. Present.

    Headachey and cranky, but present.

  15. Egypt: can we discuss the popular uprising Take 2, this time against Morsi?

    • Captain_Button

       /  November 27, 2012

      Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?

    • Darth Thulhu

       /  November 27, 2012

      Uprisings: the only reasons I have any hope, at any time, for any of the Arab world. So, so much work to do to even glimpse basic dignities and rights.

    • Captain_Button

       /  November 27, 2012

      It seems to me that despite the lessons of history, nations can’t just jump from dictatorship to proper democracy, everyone has to go through the same rounds of dysfunctional psuedo-democracy, followed by machine politics democracy, etc. Any advance may be delayed indefinitely.

  16. My new favorite term for Mitt Romney, from GQ: “Sheldon Adelson’s money dumpster.”

  17. Captain_Button

     /  November 27, 2012

    Emily’s post about the new trend for segregated busing in Israel is reminding me of when I was riding Israeli buses, which I chiefly remember as being insanely overcrowded. But I supposed that might have changed in the past 40 years.

    • A) Thank you for reading it over at the place where they paid me to write it! : ) I’ll be putting it up here shortly.

      B) Last I rode one, it was pretty dang crowded. But I’ve never ridden one from Tel Aviv into the West Bank….

  18. koolaide

     /  November 27, 2012

    If you don’t mind, throw up a thought for my mom–she thinks she’s lost the set of master keys for the building where she works. They’ll have to re-key the entire bldg and her boss(es)? Not Happy.

    • Captain_Button

       /  November 27, 2012

      (crosses fingers)

    • doginajacket

       /  November 27, 2012

      (crosses toes)

    • Bookwoman

       /  November 27, 2012

      Oh, yipes. Good vibes sent her way.

    • efgoldman

       /  November 27, 2012

      Let them be on the floor of the car, just under the front of the seat.

    • Dear St. Anthony, please look around.
      Something’s lost and can’t be found!

      (the sister of a woman I worked with swore that if you recited that couplet, then turned around 3 times and grabbed your butt, the missing item would turn right up)

    • koolaide

       /  November 27, 2012

      Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts. She still hasn’t found the keys but her primary boss is less mad and now in the “well, had you done X then that would have been worse” stage.

    • Back before my time, one of the chemistry students at Reed decided to make a copy of the master key for the building so that he could get into the stockroom after hours. When this was discovered, the department chair told him that he had two choices: either he could pay to get the entire building rekeyed or he could get arrested for having unauthorized access to radioactive material. Not hard to guess which one he picked.

    • Darth Thulhu

       /  November 27, 2012

      (crosses facial tentacles)

      • koolaide

         /  November 27, 2012

        I misread tentacles the first time…..

      • doginajacket

         /  November 28, 2012

        I like that your quilt-patch icon looks like a creature with four eyes and tentacles.

        Or maybe I’m the only one that sees that and I need help.